Poster Abstract Submission > Poster guidelines

All presenters should be willing to present at the meeting on Thursday May 23, 2024

Your poster should be put on display Thursday morning between 8:00 – 10:30 a.m. Visitors can view the poster between 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. and between 12:30 – 14:00 p.m. during the author attended poster presentations. You can dismantle your poster afterwards till 17:45 p.m. 

Registration for the meeting is OPEN. All presenters need to register for the meeting in order to present. Please visit Eventbrite to register and buy your ticket for the meeting.   

The following information will help you prepare your research results so that your colleagues get the most benefit from the poster presentation at the NormandyPTSD2024 meeting.

POSTER SIZE: All posters are limited to A0 format (84,1cm x 118,8cm / 33,1 inch x 46.8 inch) - you will be provided with a space approximately this size. Please prepare your poster in portrait mode so that it makes the most of this space, but does not exceed the area. You will be provided thumbtacks to affix your poster to this space, although it is a good idea to bring extra.

The poster format that we are encouraging is in accordance with guidelines for the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) and European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS), see here.

MATERIALS: Try to make your poster sturdy enough to withstand your trip to the meeting. Use colored paper or poster board to back sheets of 8 1/2 x 11” paper. You can also print your poster on manuscript paper that you can get enlarged at a copy store. If you choose this option use the "column" and "border” options in your Word processor to organize sections, and use portrait orientation and a small font (12 pt. for the title, 8 pt. for the text). Use color (muted colors are best for the background, bright colors are OK for borders) in your poster.

CONTENT: You are of course welcome to use your own self-designed format or stick with a traditional poster format. However, it is important that the information you provide is succinct and non-technical. Keep references and reviews of the literature to a minimum.

If you do choose to use a more traditional poster design, please ensure that:

  • Text is never less than size 18 (size 24 is recommended)
  • Titles are LARGE (e.g., size 36)
  • Sections are clearly labelled (e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusions)
  • You use standard font styles, such as Arial or Times New Roman
  • Make use of underlines and bold Programs like MS PowerPoint can be helpful in making your poster.

Further considerations:
- Consider to divide your poster into approximately four sections and add details under the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion.
- In the interest of reducing paper-waste, we would encourage you not to bring handouts of your poster, but instead use a QR code to allow attendees to link to an electronic version of your poster or, in case of a paper, the DOI. A guide on adding a QR code can be found here.

Diversity in research is greatly valued and an important consideration in every contribution. Whichever poster format you choose, please ensure that you also highlight any considerations of diversity within your sample.

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