Welcome Message

In this year commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, this meeting will bring together to Normandy thirty experts from around the world who will present and discuss recent advances in our understanding and effective treatments of mental health consequences of exposure to traumatic events including war, interpersonal violence, and natural disasters.


We look forward to seeing you all soon here in Normandy for this very exciting scientific meeting!


Eric Bui, MD, PhD & Bérengère Guillery, PhD

Scientific Program Co-Chairs


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Eric Bui, MD, PhD

Bérengère Guillery, PhD

Fabian Guénolé, MD, PhD

Charlotte Hilberdink, PhD

Annick Haelewyn, PhD

Charles Tesnières, MD

Amaury Mengin, MD

Soumia Benbrika, MD, PhD

Maxime Tréhout, MD, PhD



Thierry Vasse, MD

Thomas Le François, MS

Marc Toutain, PhD

Theo Rascol, MA

Helene Chauvel, MD

Gaetan Gaisnon, MD

Pierre-Andre Gosselin, MA

Laurent Brodin, MA

Delphine Avrillon, MA 

Jennifer Le Magnen

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